Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fashion Frenzy!

 It's a beautiful day here in Green Bay and there's lots of excitement in the air with all these incredible events on the horizon. First we have Fashion's Night Out tonight, an event I am looking forward to very much but, of course, brings with it a fair amount of stress in regards to childcare. Can't just enjoy an evening where I get to sit in a chair while someone does my hair and makeup (yipee!), an indulgence I have not enjoyed since my wedding day and looking back, was not the prettiest of sights. And then several hours of untethered relaxation and fashion. Yet still I'll be thinking of my little guys and how well they are getting on with their babysitter (who has to put them all to bed, something that has not been done by anyone but family up to this point). Could be disastrous but will most likely go smoothly enough. Will try not to worry.

And secondly, though I'm not the wildest of sports fans, you just can't help but be excited about the Packer game tomorrow night as it brings all sorts of famous peeps to GB (Maroon 5, Kid Rock, Lady Antebellum, The Today Show :). So we're all cleaning up as nicely as we can for them. Haha! Roads will be blocked, trees will be cut down, and schools will get out early. We sure do obsess over our football team (but I have my own obsessions, so okay .... fine). And the real kicker? My dad gets to head over to the New Orleans Saints tomorrow morning and do a devotional with them at their hotel. Go dad! (and thanks to Christine in New Orleans who made 24 lbs of gumbo - the real stuff! - and overnighted it to us on dry ice. Amazing! She also sent her husband our way, but he decided to fly instead.

Now, the question on the top of your list in regards to tonight's part(a)y -
1. Is it free?
A: Yes, it is!


2. What should I wear?
A: Dress up girls! This is your chance. A cocktail dress would be perfect but a pair of jeans with a sequin jacket works beautifully too (sista).

{This outfit is a few days old.}
{necklace - Express, top & skirt - Target, booties & ring - T J Maxx}

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xx Kirsty

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