Wednesday, November 14, 2012

DIY Glitter Christmas Lights

I've already started a little Christmas crafting as the projects I've planned are really starting to pile up. Plus our decorations will go up next weekend already! My sister and I tackled this one together yesterday and it was incredibly easy with a gorgeous result. Here's how it works ...
old light bulbs (10 in a bag for a $1 thrifted)
Elmer's glue
Coat those bulbs in glue. We tried them fully coated and also with a neat halfway line. Dip the bulbs in the glitter, rolling them around to make sure they're sparkling like crazy. 
 And that's it!
We plan to use them in a Christmas-y centerpiece. Aren't they pretty?


  1. ooh...those turned out so great! love them!

  2. I would love to see them working with electricity (with the light on).


Thanks for reading!
xx Kirsty

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