This is it, baby girl, just a couple of weeks from your due date. We took a few real belly pictures to have for ourselves, but this one was just so typical of our lives that I thought I'd share it. Your brothers are amazing, you're going to love them. I know that life is going to become crazy different soon and as excited as I am, I'm also a little scared. Sometimes waiting for something so important for so long with such enormous anticipation and expectation can leave you a bit nervous of that day. It's a strange and wonderful feeling, knowing that you will be here soon, that we'll have a little girl in our family. It's still completely surreal. We're shifting from a world that has existed so entirely to meet the needs of boys, to one that will now (or eventually) include dances and prom dresses, hormones and mood swings, weddings and babies. First hand, I mean. It's a huge gift to us, your life. It's our God moment. And we're so grateful for that.
Soooo beutiful!! I absolutely adore this picture and can not wait to meet your tiny princess! :)