{my mom}
I've spent several evenings working on an album for my grand parent's 80-something birthday (it's awful that I don't remember which something is it) and I've LOVED going through their old photos. I just had to share some of my favorites with you (and make them nice and big too!).

My amazing grand parents, on their wedding day.
They were party connoisseurs, hosting fancy get togethers quite regularly.

Nice swim suit Gran!
Ree Rew (whistling noise - I write it better than I actually produce it). A stylish family, with my mom in the middle. The micro mini at it's best!
I had to add this one too after I glimpsed that dress! It bares great resemblance to my own green frock from a few days ago. Thought that was so cool! If only my mom had kept some her clothes from the 70's in particular. This photo was taken around 1982 ... looks like I'm about 4 and Daena perhaps 1. And aren't our dresses the cutest things you've ever seen? If my mom was capable of dressing up so gorgeously for church each Sunday, then I too will raise the dressy torch. (Aside - drives me slightly nuts to see almost everyone in jeans at church on a Sunday. But I get it ... jeans might make one feel good while a dress does it for me. Don't know how that's possible but whatev. Hmmmph! {Excuse the silly tirade - haha})
I'm a bit sad that I am not pictured in this post. Was mom's fashion sub-par while I was a wee one? Just a thought. Also looove Dae's hair. :)