Wednesday, August 17, 2011

An Estate Sale

I had the great luck to happen upon a really sweet estate sale over the weekend, a dramatic step back in time. Each room in this home was set with large folding tables and every table was overflowing with items from this women's estate, all of which were straight from the 50's and 60's. It was really impressive to see the amount of items that she never let go of over these years and though many were not exactly what I'd keep at my home, I did find a few treasures to grow old with a new family. :) I spent $30 on the lot. 

First, a full size kid's quilt with adorable story book pictures stitched throughout. 
A crocheted bed spread, still in great condition though in need of a cleaning and airing to get rid of it's musty smell. 
Hand painted pillow cases in their original (ancient) packaging. 
These gorgeous rhinestone shoe clips. They're clipped onto this particular pair of shoes for your viewing pleasure only! haha.
 A rhinestone brooch (pinned to an old necklace) 
 A couple of interesting tins for holding little things such as lego pieces and marbles (there are always several laying around) and perhaps a few art supplies. If I had surface space in my bathroom I might use the right one for makeup.
And a few little odds and ends I couldn't resist at their 50c prices. A really cool lighter, coin purse and wallet. 
Treasure hunting at it's best!

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xx Kirsty

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