Wednesday, November 12, 2014

In With the Old {graphic print}

 {dress - South Africa, cardi - Gap, booties - T J Maxx}

I fished this dress out of a bin that I was rummaging through in the basement, along with several rockin' giant tees and sweatshirts from my senior year in high school and a brown turtleneck teddy bear sweater from a women's boutique that my grandmother used to work at when we were kids. I've been emptying out loads of storage bins this past month and getting rid of stuff, but I kept everything in that particular bin … goes without saying.

I remember wearing this dress in the early 90's and I remember how incredibly cool I felt in it. It came from my favorite store in our Joburg mall at the time, Flags International. Loved that place (this dress is from there too actually!). So I gave it a try this weekend, just to see if I could still make it work. It's still good, you guys, 22 years later! Craaaaaaazy.

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xx Kirsty

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