Friday, October 22, 2010

Yesterday's Amusements

Yesterday was an unremarkable sort of day, but I've decided to share spots of it nonetheless. We had a couple of fun moments, one spent outside in the quickly chilling air and the other in the kitchen, making a very boisterous dinner (music, dancing, sunglasses, and noodles).

This just killed me. The boys love to cut the veges when I cook and they know full well that onions do very evil trickery on the eyes. So they rummaged through the kitchen drawers and found sunglasses to shield them from the stingy onion vibrations (guess you know my own secret now - I'm not the most elegant of onion cutters).

And then after dinner we whipped up some Halloween cupcakes. A lovely day, all in all.
 There should be an exciting blog surprise coming soon! I'll keep you updated when it happens. 

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xx Kirsty

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